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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 6-26-2003 at 12:59am
Current mood: crappy
Hi, my name is Vivi.
I got a speeding ticket.
Worst night ever.

Yeah. that just about sums up how i feel right now.

funny story though...well maybe not so funny if you weren't there but proves how small of a world it really is...

okay. well this took place during my break tonight at work. Vicky (one of my coworkers) came in with her brother, Dan and his girlfriend Kassidy who are both back from college for the summer. I got a bagel and sat down with the 3. As I sat down I realized that Vickys brother had long, curly hair very similar to Gregs..(us girl freaks talk about hair ALLLLLLL the time heh) sooo as i got up to get a magazine from the rack i pointed to Dan's head and stated "Greg has hair like this" and walked away. When i returned, Vicky asked me what Gregs last name was which i replied "Pishko" and all 3 of them burst out laughing. Very confused I asked what was so funny and Vicky explained that after i'd left, Kassidy said that she had gone to school with a kid named Greg Pishko who had hair like Dans sooo they were all tickled that it was the same person :0) Sooooo it turned out Kassidy graduated IB in 2002 and knows Greg & everyone else. We had a great hour of bonding over FOOLS stories and band stuff (Dan used to be in Jaded at the Swingset) soooo it was really cool.

yeah. thats all.

oh yeah. I saw Greg all this morning which made my day despite all the crapiness <3

hes soooooooooo wonderful. really.
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06-26-03 3:21pm

aww. poor vivi.

I remember what I got my first speeding ticket. Dude, like $124!!! My parents almost beat my ass. Luckily they didnt take away my car tho. (:

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06-26-03 8:57pm

OK, so its Cassidy with a "C" and she rocks. She's really good friends with Barkin.

And cops suck. There are people being shot and they're pulling people over for speeding 6-9 mph over.

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