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kiwi (profile) wrote,
on 7-2-2003 at 5:22pm
Current mood: sore
Music: nothing
Subject: Stuff
Nothing interesting has really happened. Some day i might feel like retelling my last day of school because it was fun, but not today.
1) I need not be in school to have mg in my dreams. Like 5 days after schoole ended mg was in my dreams
2) Braces suck
3) Here is a survey(always wanted to do one but never had the journal, time, patients(as mg would say hehe)

(1) The singular boring question: What is your name? Catherine
(2) If you had been born a member of the opposite sex, what would your name have been? No idea my parents are true procrastinaters and never thought of a boy's name
(3) Would you name a child of yours after you? no
(4) If you had to switch first names with a friend of yours, who would you switch with? Katherine
(5) What's the way people most often mispronounce any part of your name? I've never ever heard ANYONE mispronouce my name.
(6) If you were to become famous, would you drop your last name (like Madonna, Cher, Roseanne)? Nope

(7) Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell? Maybe
(8) Do you think God has a gender? Nope
(9) Do you think science counteracts religion? Nope
(10) Do you believe in organized religion? Yes
(11) Where do you think we go when we die? Where we go depends on our actions in life
(12) Do you feel a little funny thinking about the questions in this section? Not at all

(13) How easy is it to make you laugh? Not particularly
(14) What person you know makes you laugh the most? MG or Katherine
(15) Do you laugh at jokes you know you shouldn't? Sometimes
(16) Do you tell jokes you know you shouldn't? Nope
(17) What words instantly make you laugh or at least smile? Oh just lots of inside jokes i have
(18) What do you think is the funniest thing you've ever said or written? I have no idea maybe 'i feel sorry for you. *pause* And your lunch'

(19) Do you ever dance to music when nobody's watching? sometimes
(20) What is/are the worst song(s) you have ever heard? This i promise you and various other boyband/ pop princess songs
(21) What song(s) do you wish you could understand a little better? i can't think of any
(22) What song(s) are constantly in your head? Christmas songs and some camp songs
(23) What song(s) do you think describe your personality best? Unwell and I don't give a damn about my bad reputation
(24) If you were to serenade the object of your affections, which song(s) would you use? i would NEVER do that
(25) If the object of your affections were to serenade you, what song(s) would you hope he or she used? anything that would be so sweet the song wouldn't matter

(26) What movie(s) do you love that nobody else seems to? Little Mermaid?
(27) Do you agree with the idea that sequels are always worse than the original? Nope not always
(28) Who's your favorite Star Wars character? Laya(grr the girl with the buns on the side of her head)
(29) What kind of movie do you think there should be more of? Humor
(30) What movie(s) do you simply not understand the appeal of? Romance

(31) When eating, are you more concerned with taste or healthiness? Taste
(32) What's your favorite kind of cheese? Mozerella
(33) What do you think your answer to the previous question reveals about your personality? I like the taste of mozerella
(34) If you knew exactly what went into Chinese food, hamburger meat, etc., would you still eat it? probably not from the fastfood resturants but from my mommy yes
(35) Do you ever feel guilty eating meat? Nope

(36) Mac or PC? PC
(37) How much do you actually care about the inner workings of your computer, as long as it works? Not much
(38) Do you ever begin preferring IMs to other forms of conversation? Nope
(39) Do you find you're different talking through IMs than face-to-face or on the telephone? Not really
(40) Have you ever ended bid on something on eBay and regretted it later? nope because i've never bidded on anything

(41) Have you ever wished you could experience being the other gender? noo (bad dream about that)
(42) What do you love most about the other gender? Mind
(43) What do you dislike most about the other gender? Mind
(44) What do you understand least about the other gender? Need for brutal sports and their egos

(45) Do you sometimes see a movie or watch a show just because a good-looking celebrity is in it? No, never
(46) What celebrity's autograph do you want most? Tamora Pierce
(47) Have people ever said you looked like a celebrity, and if so, who? Nope
(48) If there was to be a movie about you, who do you think should play you (in personality, looks or both)? I should because i can't think of a sutibal actress to play me.
(49) Does it ever annoy you when you know someone is a celebrity but you can't remember why? hehe no
(50) If you could enter any celebrity's mind like in "Being John Malkovich", whose would you enter? Any member of nsync of course then i would sabatogue it but that is another story
(51) Do you want to be John Malkovich? noooooooo...

(52) Do you laugh when you hear or read the number 69? no
(53) Were you lying about your answer to the previous question? no
(54) Do you actually know your Social Security Number? no
(55) Do you actually know your IP address? i did but not now
(56) Do you know what an IP address is? yes but i couldn't define it
(57) Do you know the four-character extension on your ZIP code? no and i don't want to
(58) Ever thought there were too many numbers floating around in our lives? not really
(59) Does your head begin to hurt when you think of infinity, imaginary numbers, irrational numbers, etc.? no
(60) What do you think of pi? it's yummy and too long at the same time

(61) Did you get a little frightened or uncomfortable seeing this as a section title?no
(62) If someone you had no interest in dating expressed interest in dating you, how would you feel? Good
(63) Do you prefer getting to know someone first before dating them or going in "blind"? knowing them
(64) Could you carry on a relationship with someone with the same first name as a family member? Yeah i think i could
(65) Have you ever wished it was more "socially acceptable" for a girl to ask a guy out? Not really at least not yet
(66) What's your opinion on sex without emotional commitment? Not a great idea
(67) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive? noooo...
(68) Do you think the opposite sex finds you good-looking? probably not but i'm ok with that
(69) Would you be willing to give up sex in exchange for an emotional commitment you knew would last? yes
(70) Do you think the number of the last question was a coincidence? not to you bub

(71) What is your favorite possession? My teddy bear
(72) What physical, tangible possession do you want most? HVC
(73) How badly do you want it? Very much so
(74) Have you ever seen 'The Exorcist'? nope
(75) How long did it take you to understand why the last question is in this section? not bvery long like two seconds

(76) Does Christmas music too far away from Christmas annoy you? not at all i was singing it that last day of school
(77) How old do you think you will be before you stop liking getting older? 26
(78) What was the best Halloween costume you ever had? Southern bell maybe
(79) What was the worst Halloween costume you ever had? witch
(80) What holiday do you think has still managed to retain its original meaning? Ash Wensday (mainly all religious holidays)
(81) There are currently no federal holidays during August- what should be put there? Book day or something a day we recongnise authors and books

(82) How good is your short-term memory? pretty good
(83) How good is your long-term memory? ok
(84) What is your earliest memory? Universal studio I have an older onbut it is mostly a dream and i forgot it hehe
(85) What is your happiest memory (other than recieving this survey)? being with my friends in general probably
(86) What is your strangest memory? Universal Studios
(87) What song, movie, etc. do you wish you could memorize? Book all of my favourties

(88) What movie makes/made you cry? ummmm
(89) What book makes/made you cry? The latest one? my yearbook
(90) What song makes/made you cry? none...
(91) What makes/made you laugh so hard you cried? My friends and teachers

(92) Would you like to be cloned? Hehe yes and no
(93) Do you wish you could be alive when the world was ending, just to experience it? Not really
(94) Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the fandango? ok sure yeah

(95) Do you think that one hundred and one questions is too long? no
(96) Do you think the one hundred interesting questions actually were interesting? maybe i haven't finished them all
(97) Are you sorry you began filling it out? no, not really, a little bit, sorta
(98) What question do you wish it had asked? What was your least faourite memory
(99) How would you have answered it? Universal Studios

(100) When was the last time you let the people you love know you love them? Last night i think
(101) What do you want the people who are reading this survey to know? *poke*

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