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daydream (profile) wrote,
on 7-2-2003 at 8:37pm
Music: closer-nine inch nails
yet again, i have managed to piss off more then my fair share of people. my mother thinks all i do is take her and dad for granted and i don't appreciate how much they do for me. i left the kitchen messy, that's how this conversation came about. lizz and jarob are mad because i didn't go to the movies with them last night. i had good reason. no ride, no money, and an angry mother. so sarah and lil came and got me. we went to clayton's and watched memento...a very, very good movie by the way. confusing as hell, but excellent. ray's been on the phone with her mother since tuesday night fighting over conor staying at their house. the tension is so thick in this house i'm pretty sure you could cut out little shapes. they're coming back over after dinner. i have no idea what we're doing tonight, but it's getting out of the house. that's all that matters, that's all that ever matters. so if anyone would like to take me in for a while, please let me know. i don't need much, honest. a little food, some water. all i need is a way to get out of here. out of this house, out of this town.

as of now i have no plans for the 4th. hooray for allie.

i leave for wyoming in a week or so. should be fun. as long as beau stays chilled out we should be fine. i hope...

well i have to go get ready. don't know really why tho. it's not like we're going anywhere special. probably lillian's living room like always. we'll sit there and stare at eachother and whine that we should be doing something. call a few people, well, only if we can reach the phone, maybe they'll come over or they'll decline the invitation and it will be a night like all the others. another one to put on the shelf. we always used to have some exciting adventure to go on. somewhere to go someone to see. sigh, what happened to those days? hell if i know.

tune in next time friends...

i wonder if anyone reads this...hmmm

"lets go find a roadside motel with a clerk who won't tell. days will turn into nights, nights will turn into days, weeks seasons and years."
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07-07-03 9:36am

i'll take you in....i just got back from CO....not sure when your leavin, i missed ray(again) well....what happened with jarob

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