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kunta (profile) wrote,
on 7-5-2003 at 3:10pm
Current mood: angry
Music: 50 Cent - Don't Push Me
Subject: Stuff
4th of july is overrated .... it was pretty boring day. went to jeffy's sisters and spent the day there. watched some shitty fireworks .. I don't get fireworks .. there so "pretty" but have no use. spend money to shoot it in the air .. might as well sent fire to some cash.

we went to some gay party. it was pretty boring there too. almost a fight because we blew up a hotdog and got it all over this kid and he wanted to start some shit, but he left cuz he was a pussy. the highlight of the day was jeff and I buying an old school slip n slide and playin wit that ... haha .. ahhhhh childhood memories.

tonight im going to the bucos game to see them loose prolly, then spend some time wit my bro then home.. gonna be boring I guess .. but I get some sweet QuakerState Wings uhhhhh ! yea .. ok im out

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07-05-03 4:08pm

My 4th was kinda bad, and I haven't had a bad 4th of July in a long time.

I don't know. Maybe because of my birthday, but I've always been partical to fireworks. But I only got to watch them for a little bit this year.

Haha I got a slip n slide for my 5th birthday...


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