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1010101 (profile) wrote,
on 7-19-2003 at 8:07pm
Music: Random Techno song #9332
I haven't done much lately, but since
-amazingly enough- NO ONE has posted ANYTHING, I thought I should say something. Yesterday I went golfing with my old friend Josh. As usual I lost a couple balls (go ahead, laugh if you must...), but I lucked out, and managed to save a few that skipped accross ponds instead of simply sinking to the bottom with that, always embarresing, sploosh. Afterward Josh backed into a boulder with his (very cool) new car. Needless too say, the only thing coming out of his mouth for the following hour was a nearly endless stream of random profanities.
Today I saw The Matrix : Reloaded in the Imax theater. It was pretty cool. I personally think all movies should have an Imax version made now. I caught a bit that I missed before, but unfortunately, my theory that there may be a Matrix within the Matrix, is still horribly possible. Well that's all I have to say for now...
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07-21-03 11:03am

I love you, Brett.

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Re:, 07-21-03 2:09pm

Thanks Rachel. I love you too.

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07-28-03 3:03pm

I'm the boulder king of embarassing sploosh ®

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07-30-03 12:44am

the cake scene was a little much but a good touch!

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08-15-03 9:55am

Brett for crying out loud update already!

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Re:, 08-15-03 2:57pm

Oh, fine then!

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