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SepiaFlamingo (profile) wrote,
on 8-1-2003 at 9:27pm
Current mood: restless
Music: "Evolution" - Ayumi Hamasaki
Subject: Oyaku?...
Eh, another entry. I don't even have anything to talk about this time. I've done nothing today. I haven't even left the house yet. o_o

But I did download this song I'm listening to right now. "Evolution" by Ayumi Hamasaki. At first I didn't want to download it because it's by Ayumi Hamasaki, who mostly has to do with J-Pop, and I don't like Pop music. But then I saw it was part of the anime .Hack//sign, so I said: "why not" to myself, and downloaded it. To make a short story even shorter, It's not too bad. The start of the song really drove me away for a minute, but then it came in with some other junk and turned the song around to being decent. Or at least acceptable. Kudd, Ashmo, Hiei, Noshi, myself, and pink-font-girl are online right now. Ashmo and Hiei have had their away message up for hours. o_o
Last time I got online their away messages were up, and now here it is, three hours later, and they're still there. Oh well... Sometimes I forget and leave the computer on, so maybe that's what happen. Or something completely different. I guess it doesn't matter either way. At any rate, as I've said before, I have nothing to talk about for the sole reason that I haven't done anything today. So, without any more petty talk, results to pointless quizzes:

You, my friend are smart but angsty. You know the truth about society.
Smart but ask me another question

What JTHM moment are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

The picture-thingie is from "Spork." o_o
:: remembers :: ...yeah....

And that ends the list of "quizzes to take."

Now I'm going to go look at Kudd's journal for something to write about, because Kudd's journal is interesting and sparkly, unlike mine. u_u

O.kiee, I found something interesting to do. More time consuming, really. But it will just have to sufice:

Your Name-

I've been called "re-re" before. "Captain louisana" - people who know what I mean understand. o.o;

April 26th.

Have you...been kissed?

Have you...Eaten an entire box of Oreos?
No, oreos aren't cool. The white stuff is made of pure lard and sugar. o_o eck...

Have you...Been on stage?
Stage of what?

have you...Gotten in a car accident?
Yep... When I was four I fell with a car-seat on out of a moving car onto the street, and sat there for seven minutes before my dad realized the back car door was open, and I wasn't there. o.o;;

Have you...been to Death Valley on horseback?

have you..Stayed home?

Have you....Made homemade fudge?
Nope. Not allowed to use the oven. o.o; Nor microwave or stove, so I guess that eliminates my choices right there.

Have you...Seen the Eiffel tower?
In pictures and movies, yeash. Real life, no.

Orange, black, white, red,...and orange. Again.

Dir en Grey, Psycho le Cemu, Bauhaus, The Cure, Rob Zombie, Alice in Chains, Jack off Jill, Pink Floyd, London after Midnight,...Don't make me name them all.... I'd only be wasting my time as people skip reading this question because frankly, no one cares about what kind of music I listen to. Or at least never had in the past. Why start now? o.O


The complete informercial on "how to make the perfect egg."

Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?

Favorite type of Sandwhich:
I usually just eat bread... Bread on bread is still a sandwhich, right?

Coffee or Hot Chocolate?
Hot chocolate. Even though they both do the same thing. Even look the same... Do you think they're related?

Cold or hot? weather?

Big or little?
For what...? o_O

Lace or satin?
Satin. Lace is frilly..and....used to make door hangers. Yeah.

Red or blue?
Red. Or blue... Depending on which shade of each.

New or old?
Old. New things always have that "I'm new" smell to it.

Here or there?

...And now I really have to go because I put someone on brb like, 15 minutes ago and still haven't gotten back to them. o_o; I hope this person isn't reading this either. Um...sorry.

....Cheerio myself. o.o/)
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XP, 08-02-03 12:01am

awesomeness! you took the evilishly long survey... remember the one xon made? O_O; it was like... a million questions... I think I'll make one too... mwahhahaa

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Re: XP, 08-02-03 12:08am

x_x That one Ashmo made took me around three days to complete.
o.o; Everybody was done and reading other's when I was just finishing, so nobody wanted to read mine. In the end I wasted about 6 straight hours of my time.

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