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SepiaFlamingo (profile) wrote,
on 8-3-2003 at 12:30am
Current mood: crappy
Music: Manazashi no Aria
Subject: Sit. Good dog. // le crise de conscience //
Oi vey... I say that too much too nowadays. I'm not even Jewish, nor know a bit of Hebrew, so I don't really have a right in saying it...

Right now I'm suppose to be in a chatroom talking to people... But I've decided against that from the sole facts that: I don't know three people there and one I can't stand the site of. As for the rest of them...they can live without me. And then there is always the factor that my computer is freezing on and off again. Trying to type in chat rooms just makes this computer go slower, which, then has a better chance to freze again. So I sit. And sit... o_o; If some people only knew what I really thought about them. Wow. You know, I probably shouldn't be posting that, but the people who know me well enough to know what I think of them shouldn't think about that twice.

...I don't know why I bother going to those kind of chats where I don't know half the people there. I never talk. o_o; I wonder why I'm even invited half the time. Out of pity? Maybe. u_u

The chatroom goes accordingly:

-I'd come in.
-I'll say hi.
-People say hi back.

...Proof once more that I live a life of utter ennui. The most interesting conversation I've held was about Cinderella this whole week. That right there is pretty self-explanatory...

So as my friends and some other people who I could care less about have a "jolly 'ol time" in a chatroom behide this site I'm covering myself from, I sit. Sit, and talk to myself. x_x I feel like one of those little girls you see sitting in the corner of a party just watching as everyone sips their beer and laughs. And when you hear laughter, a string breaks inside you because if you didn't know any better, you'd think that they were laughing at you. Can anybody relate to this? o_o; For my sake, ((If this didn't sound arrogant enough...)) I hope so.

[]X[] x_x Ugh. Computer froze for 45 minutes, give or take a minute. []X[]

You know, Ayumi Hamasaki isn't too bad after all...for being pop and everything.

Eh, Dir en Grey's new CD doesn't come out until September. That's...not cool. Not like I could actually find it in any stores, so I guess it doesn't really matter how long of a wait I'll have to take.

o.o; I think I'm going to make myself conscience again to the people in the chat I was talking about earlier. Most of the people whom I wasn't familar with left, and that's always a plus.

Excuse the grammar/spelling errors if there are any. I lack the motivation to actually check right now. o.o; Apology in advance.

Okiee then... cheerio, myself. o.o/)
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;_; D.e.G., 08-03-03 12:08pm

I think they're taking their marketing date to October, Renee. ((In referring to Dir en Grey's new CD.))


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