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SepiaFlamingo (profile) wrote,
on 8-5-2003 at 1:15pm
Current mood: geeky
Music: "Everybody was Kung-Fu Fighting" - Afro-Asian Connections and the Myth of Cultural Purity.
Subject: In dreams, which way do you fall?
O.kiee, Jimmy and Kat are over right now. We can't think of anything to do, so here we are. Well, it's more like Kat and I can't think of anything to do. Jimmy is happily kung-fu fighting himself right now while trying to sing along with the song. It's a nice try, but he's failing. o_o;

If anyone cared about Mock's life, he did eventually come back. No thanks to Maki's advice, either. Speaking of her, Toby and Maki still think I have some chronic-depressing problem that we all need to sit down and "discuss." I don't know what's gotten into them, but I know they won't stop until they've reached some form of closure.

x_o... Jimmy keeps hitting Kat and I with the lacrosse ball he just discovered under the chair, so I'll just be going then in the case that Jimmy's "perfect aim" fails and hits the computer.

Cheerio. x.o/)
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-.-; my advice is STILL good., 08-06-03 12:27pm

I've given up on you, Renee. Really I have. Toby, on the other hand still believes otherwise.

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