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Hiei (profile) wrote,
on 8-6-2003 at 4:06am
Current mood: content
Music: Hasnt changed
Subject: We don't need no education.
Today I had class it really hadn't changed and I was given some homework too. I thought about getting some pink floyd music in here to get the whole "school sucks" vibe going on but I am too lazy. After class I went down to the game center and played some DDR because my ankle is feeling much better. There was really no one there so I didn't get to play anyone but I have gotten a little rusty. I'm going to work soon.
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08-06-03 11:01am

LoL no you don't _seem_ asexual !!!::shrugs:: I got the same and it's right for me ^^' But cha are Hiei right? o.o ^^' *wouldn't that be homosexual.. >.>*

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08-06-03 5:07pm

Hiei is not gay my friend. I could explain why people would think so, but it's a long story.

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XD!, 08-06-03 5:16pm

psh yeah right... puhhhlease hiei... ASEXUAL!? yea... sure whatever... u cheat on that test didn't you... o_o;

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08-06-03 5:29pm

no. o.o;

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08-07-03 10:17am

I'll pass Hiei, on your little lecture ^^' o.o you didn't cheat? Humm, maybe you clicked the wrong thing without noticing? ^^''

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