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JB1863 (profile) wrote,
on 8-31-2003 at 1:06am
Current mood: stressed
Music: Your A Good Man Charlie Brown
Ok well today was a looong busy stressful day. it started with the picnic this morning which was ok i suppose. i hosted half of it so i had to do a lot of yelling so my voice got really hoarse and i got really dehydrated. i got to meet some people from other schools. i was a little embarassed though because most of my school was sitting in a pavilion by themselves while the other schools were participating. but at the very end i sat with the boca high sponser and their kids and talked with them. it was fun. one girl i was talking to was like ok well i'm gonna see the show and i'll look for you and i'm like yeah look for justin braun and shes like you're justin braun!?? and i'm like yeah you know me? shes like yeah i've heard about you. i was like wow, i'm famous. haha well after the picnic i went home and FINALLY got my text messaging working! you all can now text me and i can text you back. ok then i was going to go see the movie "Camp" with everyone but kevin murray called to go to his friends house while they get ready to record my accompaniment for charlie brown so i went there instead. his friend lives right near the beach. his house is GORGEOUS! and his room is the size of my living room, its about the size of holly's room if any of you have seen hers, plus he has a bathroom connected to his room and then on the other side of the bathroom an extention to his room with recording studio equipment, which is kick ass. it was fun, kevin was learning the piano part for it tonight and he played it really well, it sounded cool, so the accompaniment should rock. ok after that i went to kyle's house where a bunch of people were there. we all hung out, sang harmony, etc., same things we always do. I'm still having inner conflicts. i've now become very sexually charged from not being with a girl for so long, so i want to hook up but at the same time i dont want to hook up with someone unless it means something. and i cant really find anyone that i have real feelings for, i have a few crushes, some which are totally random, unattainable and weird due to my change in my taste in girls. so things in that department are rough. i just dont know what to do. tomorrow is my first rehearsal for my improv troupe, i dont know what i'm gonna do.

~Shout Outs~

Boca High, Spanish River, Olympic Heights, Kevin Murray, JT, Emily, Rachel miller, Rachel Reaboi, Chris Burgos, Joe Vitar, Joel, Danielle, Kyle, joey, dave

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=), 08-31-03 2:38pm

Good luck with the rehearsal, and I'm glad the picnic was a success, only wish I could have been there. Have fun at rehearsal.


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08-31-03 8:14pm

I heart justin braun! i updated again! be proud! I miss you! we need to chill! heart heart heart!

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09-01-03 7:43pm

i sat in the pavillion yes! but i was sick the night before :P ashamed...

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