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ertailapis (profile) wrote,
on 9-20-2003 at 2:25am
Current mood: out there
Music: "On the Run" - Pink Floyd
Alright. Once again, I've let this slip, yet I don't have all that much to talk about. On Tuesday, the day after the one which is mentioned previous to this one, I had OD, or office duty, through ROTC and missed yet another day of class. So, needless to say, this last week has been major catching up. I made up my Biology test that I missed, and I think I did reletively well on it.

We had a few rather interesting conversations earlier today in class. Most had to do with last year, how people did stupid stuff that most people almost forgot about, things like that. We had a sub, so we had hardly any work to do, which I probably should have put first to explain the reason we had the conversation, but I evanesce from the topic...

I went on a mini shopping-spree on Thursday. I bought myself a new book (YAY!), bought Dark Side of the Moon by Pink Floyd for my dad and me to share, and Ultima Online because a few of my friends I play online with are playing it, so it felt good to spend some money after a stressful week.

Interims are going out next week, (I think.) so I hope I don't get anything bad, which will happen anyway, but that's beside the point.

Soooo, that's about it for now, so until next time, later.
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UO, 09-20-03 3:41am

Yesss...UO! I love UO! Meow! I have soo much work to do..GMing skills and all..but...anyway..I'm kinda happy now...I've..hardly ever felt this kinda gives me..a..fuzzy feeling feels more like I got a lobotomy...*shrugs*..anywho...I'm off to wonder about aimlessly...weee!

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