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JB1863 (profile) wrote,
on 9-22-2003 at 10:36pm
Current mood: aggravated
Music: Let The Sunshine In - Hair
To start this off i want to announce my new philosophy. No longer is anything that I do, ANYONE's business. Unless its written in my journal or i tell you, then its none of your business. No longer do i want people asking me things like "did you hook up with this person?" or "do you have a thing for that person?" or things like that. Unless i come to you with something, DONT ASK ME!! alright today sucked. i was in a bad mood like all day even though i might not have showed it. the only time i was actually in a good mood was 6th hour in english. i love the people in that class, i have soooooo much fun. well i listened to godspell today and started to read the script, it has some good music. i've decided i want to be jesus, he is the lead, i dont know if i'll get it though cuz the director said he might cast it as a girl. whatever, his show. well hasko made me come to a variety show rehearsal this afternoon for an hour for NO REASON. i get there and its only dave, gladys, and alex. and all we did was watch clips from H2$ and Bye Bye Birdie to get characters for gladys and alex and then we read through act 1, which i have like 4 lines in. It was a waste of my time!!! i was planning on watching One Hour Photo during that time. oh well. i told hasko i was in godspell, she wasnt happy, she doesnt think i have the time. frankly i dont care, i need more shows on my resume and i need more experience in the actual field. well i had to go and add all the numbers into the variety show tonight. wow that was grueling. we were there from 6-10 doing that. UGH!!! it was soooo hard fitting all these random numbers in. it was so annoying and i was tired and irritable to start with. Tonight marks a beat in my life. In case you dont know what a beat is, its an acting term meaning a change in thought process or motivation. I'm sick of doing things to please other people and so people dont talk shit about me. frankly i dont give a fuck anymore. i'm going to do what makes me happy and what i want to do. if you dont like it then tough shit. remember dont ask me about what i've written in here, just read it and appreciate it. oh by the fucking way, the journal awards are on wednesday. there is going to be some fierce competition. a lot of new comers. make any last minute changes to your journal now!

~Shout Outs~

My beat

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09-23-03 4:35pm


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09-23-03 6:39pm

wow, jb...calm down. take a deep breath and relax. the world is not out to get you. don't be so hostile towards everyone...yes, they may talk shit about you, but who cares? let them talk, let them hate. move on. do what makes you happy, and screw everyone else (i mean that in a totally nonsexual way.)

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