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hitokirivader (profile) wrote,
on 10-12-2003 at 2:11pm
Current mood: complacent
Music: Tomoyasu Hotei - Battle Without Honor or Humanity
Subject: "He says to do it with more intensity."
Ack... I'm tired again. Why can't sleep just be like a food you can snack at any convenient time instead of this giant chunk out of your day that can be better spent on more important things like not sleeping and doing nothing? Ugh... anyways...

I spent Saturday in Irvine as I drove Tim back to school. It was fun; the campus is really awesome. I got to see Rem again, and I haven't seen him in like... a year or so. Anyways, we went and saw Lost in Translation at the local theater, which I kinda dragged Tim (and later Rem) to see with me because I had really wanted to see it for a long time but those dickless pricks who run the theaters at SCV decided to stop playing it after like... a week. Anyways, fortunately I think they enjoyed it, as did I. I really liked the story, and it had some really touching moments, as well as some hilarious. Hehe... short Japanese businessmen in an elevator. I'm glad I'm not short and Asian. Well, er, not like... ah nm...
Then we did some other stuff while we were there, like cover me in shaving cream. Yeah. Go read Tim's blog; it's all there. lol
Long drive home alone in the middle of the night following some crappy directions by Rem while listening to a Robin Williams standup session was interesting. Got home at 1:30 AM-ish. Hehe... AM-ish. Amish. Hehe. I said Amish.
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Tahnx, 10-12-03 5:22pm

Thanks agian for taking me home. BTW, I did like the movie, it was simple, and that was something I haven't seen in a movie for a long time. =)

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