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hitokirivader (profile) wrote,
on 10-13-2003 at 6:59pm
Current mood: nerdy
Music: Urge Overkill - Girl, You'll Be a Woman Soon
Subject: Two typos and some Spanish... wow
I took a nap today somewhere around 2:30ish, as I had had little sleep the night before for reasons unknown. It was a nice little nap...
...and then somewhere around 5:00 I opened my eyes to see Mike Lund standing at my bedside. Yes, you heard me. Mike. I wake up in my own room in my own house and the first thing I see is Mike. So the first thing I wonder is what the hell he's doing here. He asks me if I'd like to go accompany him to go check out the picket line at Albertsons. I then wonder how the hell he got into my house. He tells me my dad let him in. Moving on...

So Mike and I went to Albertsons and we saw Brett Walter there on strike with some other people, so we kinda chilled there for a little while and took a flyer. Then we went by Vons on Bouquet to see how their protest was going. Fewer people there, but we ran into Ryan Culhane. Then we took one of their flyers, which was different. Then we moseyed over to Pavilions, at which there were a disappointingly fewer number of protestors, and plus they were leaving one of the store entrances wide open. Not too smart. Anyways, we took one of their flyers and moved onto Ralphs (we stopped by Best Buy on the way because I wanted to pick up the Kill Bill Volume 1 soundtrack, but they were all out. Damn.). Now, as we walked up to Ralphs, some guy handed us a flyer and suggested alternative stores we could go to (at most of these places, they were suggesting Trader Joes, but that's not a union store, so like... I dunno if they can do that. Anyways...) He asked us what we had come to buy, but we explained that we had only come for the flyer, which he thought was cool cuz we were only "supporting their cause" I guess. So then as we leave, he hands us a different flyer "with more information," as he said with his own words. Well... it was the same flyer, only this new one had two typos and a Spanish translation on the back. Pfft. "More information" my ass. So yeah, ok, that's it, I'm done.
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Scary, 10-13-03 10:28pm

You know what would really be scary is if I woke up from a nap in my dorm room and saw Mike standing over me.

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Re: Scary, 10-13-03 10:37pm

That can be arranged. ;)

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