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alitar (profile) wrote,
on 10-17-2003 at 10:43am
Regina's recap's up.

"Oh. Fortunately, I don't have to know, nor do I have to care, because at this moment, both Syd and Vaughn have to disrobe in order to get into the uniforms. Syd makes a big deal about having to turn her back to Vaughn while undressing as Vaughn REMOVES HIS JACKET AND HIS SHIRT. Sigh. Rewind. Pause. Sigh. Syd totally checks him out in this scene, by the way. Hee. That's okay, Syd. We're all checking him out too. Sigh. Rewind. Pause. Sigh."

Regina, sister? WORD.

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see.. i'm not the ONLY freak, 10-17-03 6:52pm

"Or, Syd just ambles into Oops Center looking for all the world like she didn't lick the inside of a tequila bottle the night before. I hate her. Wendy seemed to think that the blurriness of the office surroundings was an indicator of how Syd's hangover might be affecting her vision. I begged to differ. "


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haha, 10-17-03 7:04pm

I probably wouldn't have noticed, LOL

I don't care. I'm too busy watching the burning anvils fall from the sky as the camera pulls back and gives us a shot of Syd, Vaughn, and Mrs. Vaughn IN TRIANGLE FORMATION. Get it? Do you? IT'S A TRIANGLE. THEY'RE A LOVE TRIANGLE. GET IT?

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