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cait0880 (profile) wrote,
on 10-19-2003 at 10:56am
Subject: so lets see
Yesterday i had to get up early for my stupid award thing. Lou came to it. It was weird i was like the only non poor black person there. Not like there is anything rong with black people just that i was like one out of the two white girls there and there where i belive 59 kids geting awards. Anyway after that we went out to eat with my mom and dad. Then me and lou ran around toys r us for a little while. Then my parents took us over to the movies so see what was playing and we went to see the texas chainsaw massacure. It was pretty stupid. Then we went out to dinner a little while later. and then we went to my house and watched gremlins
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10-20-03 4:06pm

whats the award for.

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Re:, 10-20-03 5:30pm

i worked at a pre-school over the summer and i got it for doing good or something

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