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alitar (profile) wrote,
on 10-20-2003 at 4:17pm
Lauren is played by Melissa George, an aussie actress faking a British accent. I think tmx was asking about that and I forgot to answer. She was on Thieves, which I'm sure no one remembers. She's no Cate Blanchette or Nicole Kidman, or Naomi Watts, however, so that's unfortunate for us.

Do NOT watch Gone in 60 Seconds. That is the most horrible movie EVER. I watched because of Angelina Jolie, who unluckily sucks in that movie. I HATE Nic Cage. What the hell was Robert Duval doing that shitdump? 3 Oscar winners in that crapper.

WATCH Office Space. The beginning is more brilliant than the ending, but some great, sharp commentary and wit in that movie. This is what my life is going to be when I graduate. Sigh.

I am off to study for MIT now. Sigh. Watch me fail.

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10-21-03 12:10am

You know what? I actually like Melissa George. I mean, her character doesn't really bug me (like she's not all "vaughn's mine, back off bitch"...she's normal), she's pretty, I like her accent, probably because it's sort of strange, and yeah...

and you watched it because you thought it'd be a good movie since she's in it? have you ever seen Hackers? =)

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Re:, 10-21-03 10:21am

I may have seen Hackers. I remember seeing a movie about computer hacking, once. :) Her accent is really weird. I think she can be pretty, and I don't know if she's a good actress from the limited lines, but I just don't like her character. And, MG doesn't have the likeability factor that the other women on my list have.

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Re: Re:, 10-21-03 8:33pm

Pretty? I dunno.

I saw pics of her when she was a model and it's like WOAH. Two different people.

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