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GxIoNxA (profile) wrote,
on 10-28-2003 at 3:46pm
Current mood: exhausted
Today was a pretty shitty day if u ask me! Well actually it wasn't that bad. It was prob. cause I got up late n I didn't have time to do my makeup so i felt like even more shit.Then the walk home o yess Justine came home with me n then we walked with jason to his house cause he wanted us to. Then we came home. Well sry this is so boring! But I mite edit this later
love yas
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Walk Home, 11-04-03 6:15pm

O man gina..our/mainly your walks home with Jason! lol hes cute but hes still a lil baby! hehe...o an I wanted to see where his house was cuz u know lol... ;) well ttul luv u girl

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