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HollishDanishM (profile) wrote,
on 10-30-2003 at 9:10pm
Current mood: moody
Music: Milkshake- Kelis
Subject: mixed feelings
Today was pretty good. At least until school ended. Gym was fun we had candy and bio was great, we had a really good time. But then after bio we went to get the French club picture taken, and I couldn't find my cell phone. I still haven't found it and I am pretty sure that someone stole it. Cuz i didn't take it out at all today, but you know w/e. I can't dwell on it... And then my mom embarresed me so much by making me walk alla round campus looking for it. I was humiliated, in my own eyes anyway. It was just horrible.
And like fifty peopel are threadening to egg me, it's pretty weird. I don't know if they hate me or love me. Prolly hate. Defientily hate...
I hate my mom right now.
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10-30-03 10:29pm

hey mette...sorry about the whole cell phone thing. i feel so bad for u- that shit costed like 500$$ o and dont worry too much about being embarrased by the happens to the best of us- MOMS SUCK! (trust me i would no) and wut ur mom did is nothing compared to mine. trick or treating will be fun tho- lots of eggs n' shaving cream...lets go get em.

xoxo <3 4ever

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