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alitar (profile) wrote,
on 11-8-2003 at 1:00pm
I haven't written in a long time. Sorry! I had 2 midterms last week: French and Bus. I don't think I got over 90 for either of them, unfortunately. Whatever.

Regarding Alias. I may type up a review, but if I don't have time to rewatch tonight, I won't. I'll type up a review for tomorrow episode, I swear! Even if the epioside is the worst ever and pissed me off to new heights.

I went to the mall yesterday and saw a movie. Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Yes, I know. Shut up. I was originally going to see Revolutions, but it was sold out. I wasn't disappointed over that, seeing as how I hated the second. I was extremely disappointed to find that Texas wasn't sold out, and therefore the group of us could buy tickets and watch it. Dammit.

Y'll know me, a huge HUGE genre snob. I HATE gory horror moives with no plot, character or thought, with huge chase scenes and bloody set pieces. Ew. Suspense? Only the cheap kind. Yes, I was scared for a few parts, with the music going BOMP from silence. Mostly just disgusted. So many plot holes, no purpose, no motive, nothing. The whole, I'm convinced, is to show off Jessica Biel's nice boobs, ass and abs. And to promote American Eagle clothes. Seriously, you could freeze frame a ton of non gory shots from the movie and have an over glorified ad with hot, sweaty, angsty teens in tight jeans and tank tops. HATE.

My movie wishlist: Lost in Translation, Mystic River, Human Stain, Shattered Glass, Veronica Guerin. For the movies playing now, that is. Now who the fuck is going to see any of those with me at Western?? Western's favourite is Scary Movie 3. Good god.

I was incredibly bored yesterday, talking with a bunch of people who I went out with. Such stupid, empty conversation. It's not that all of them are stupid people (well 2 smart out of 5 ain't bad), but I was totally wasting my time. I waste lots of time, but preferably doing enjoyable things, like bridge and similar games, movies, and just chilling with good conversation. Shopping is a nightmare with these people. Slow, thinking the dumbest shit in the world is cool and proceeding to spend 30 minutes oogling over it before walking out. Sigh.

I'm referring to the blonde in my suite as Barbie from now one. She's SUCH a ditz. In the most extreme, stereotypical way you could imagine. She's not mean, or academically lacking. She does alright in school, is here on a huge scholarship, but as a person, she's honestly the most empty person I've ever met. Vapid, airheaded, selfish, grating, oblivious, ignorant fool on the planet. I don;t believe there can exist person more lacking in substance, more obsessed with style. I HATE her voice, her laugh, her exaggerated reactions. She believes that everyone in the world exists to help her, to listen to her self centred stoies, laugh with her, compliment her, and help her with her hair. She's ALWAYS BLOWDRYING HER HAIR!!!! I wake up, I heard her blowdryer, and sleep to the sound of her blowdrying, and she blowdrys her hair everytime she goes out. It doesn't even look good, EVER. She whines and hisses over the dumbest things, and makes everyone help her with her asinine issues. What should she wear? What nail polish looks good? Should she go out tonight and party? Does this top look good? Isn't her hair just a disaster? Oh, should she get blonde highlights? Or low lights? Oh, how is she ever going to pass this exam? Poor Barbie, so stressed! Isn't this top the cutest thing ever? Doesn't she look amazing in this picture? Oh my god, Barbie's mom wants Barbie to dye her hair brown! Barbie doesn't like it, and so she proceeds to cry and through a fit over the phone with her mom!! Really! You think I'm kidding! JUST KILL HER ALREADY!!! Her voice is THE most cheerleader ditzy blonde voice on earth; imagine an extreme valley girl, and that's what you get. She never picks up after herself, never cleans anything for the suite, never asks after other people, helps anyone, listens to anyone, and if she does show any interest, our stories are only told to amuse her, make her laugh. No concern for other people, and when told to do some fucking chore, says yes and laughs, and does it FIVE FUCKING DAYS LATER. GOD. She always has THE most annoying anecdotes, and laughs them off, as if we were extremely special to be privy to her marvelous exploits of the day. She passes annoying habits off so flippantly, saying that she's done these things since she was a little girl, as if that makes everything acceptable. Well, honey, I've been murdering annoying little blondes like you all MY life, since I was a little girl, so I'll chainsaw you tonight, if that's alright with you. Okay, baby doll? Oh, and your hair SUCKS. Your makeup sucks. Your eyelashes are hideous with all that mascara goop. You'd be passably pretty and moderately respectable if you weren't such a self-absorbed, spoiled, little buffoon.

Here is a gem:

"Alitar, can you put styrofoam in the microwave?"

Good lord, I was tempted to say yes, dear, of course you can! She tried to put a cookie still in its plastic wrap in the microwave, and of course the plastic melted. She was shocked.

Oh, but it's alright. I'm fine with it. Because I happened upon a juicy little secret last night.

Come closer, I'll whisper it to you.


So HA!
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11-08-03 8:02pm

*hug*. Poor you. I really feel bad for you, since you have to LIVE with her. I mean, I know someone who's like that with the hair and shit, and dumbness galore, but at least I don't have to live with her. Come Christmas, we'll be together again, the big bunch of us, and we can have our bridge parties and intellectual conversations.

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11-09-03 10:38pm

hahahahah omfg.. well at least it's a suite dorm... you can keep the door perpetually closed, lol.

But hey.. 2 out of 3 is not bad at all.

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11-10-03 12:37am

oh god. You actually watched that? I mean, I would have actually just refused and run away or something. But I don't know if you'd have actually enjoyed Revolutions either. Well, I guess it was probably definitely better than Texas Chainsaw Massacre, but ...I don't know. I know I just liked it for the yay guns! and fights! and special effects! didn't make a lot of sense...or maybe that was just me.

And awww....I totally know how you feel. I have a roommate like that...except not as bad/dumb. Now I just to acknowledge her existence, I mean we all pretty much ignore the fact that she's part of the suite. And I'm sure she doesn't give a shit about us either so it's all good =)

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