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hitokirivader (profile) wrote,
on 11-23-2003 at 7:43pm
Current mood: giggly
Music: Rooney - Blueside
Subject: Lee Harvey Oswald was NOT a male model...
I finally had a weekend I didn't hate. I finally got Mike to watch Zoolander. We met KFI's Bill Handel at the mall (eek! he's bald!). And got to be first non-family people to visit Jen's new apartment! It's in Mountain Terrace in Stevenson's Ranch, on the very frigg'n top of a hill. Nice place, 500 channels of TV. :D
I went to visit my old art class (during class hours this time), so they all were happy to see me... lol, after a while, Jeff got kinda angry that I was distracting all of them from working. He told me Courtney might stop by during the winter, so I hope to run into her sometime then; I haven't seen her since I left the class, a little after graduation.
Well anyhoo, I finally have me shedjooel for next semester:
ART 140 Begin 2D Design MW 8:00AM-10:50AM
ART 124A Drawing I MW 11:00AM-1:50PM
PSY 150 Prin Hum Behavior TTh 9:30AM-10:45AM
PHIL 200 Critical Reasoning TTh 11:00AM-12:15PM
R S 150 World Religions TTh 12:30PM-1:45PM
Fridays... FREEEEEE!!!
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11-24-03 2:39am

You pronounce it "shed"- ule?? that's so wrong

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Re:, 11-24-03 4:25am

I don't. That's why I spelled it funny. To make fun of those who do. :)

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