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HipHulaGirl (profile) wrote,
on 11-5-2002 at 1:11am
Current mood: nostalgic
Subject: Remember when...
Oh, to be in elementary school again. Always looking forward to recess, naptime and snack time! Words like 'career' and 'professional' weren't anywhere in your vocabulary. Talk about havin' it easy. When acting your age was what you did best. Back when boys had cooties, and hair pulling and name calling were public displays of affection. I think it would be awesome if for one day all the adults would take some time to remember times like that. So don't take offense when I pull your hair. Pooheads.
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i remember when, 11-05-02 6:39pm

life revolved around fingerpainting, lunchables, Oregon Trail, school plays, and picture books.

there was no such thing as european history.
there was no such thing as politics.
there was no such thing as glass cielings or stock markets or punitive damages or research papers.

everything was done in the order of how fun it was.

what fun we had.

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11-05-02 10:58pm

I always thought of myself as more of a doodiehead.

For me, I dont think I'd trade my teenaged agnst for childhood ignorance anyday. Ignorance is bliss, but its still ignorance. Am I as happy as I was when I was little?

I have no idea, but I dont see why not.

I dont remember how I felt as a little kid, because retrospect has the nice effect of thick rose colored glasses. I loved being a stupid kid, but I love being a troubled young adult just as much.

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Re:, 11-06-02 12:34am

Wow Dave that was so emo.

It's true that it's still ignorance, but think about it... When you were that little ignorance was non existant. Ignorance is a concept made up by adults to help demean those that arent as competent as they think themselves to be.

I'm glad that i've had a rather enjoyable teenage life, but I still long for the days when my problems were more like "who ate all my play-doh?"

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