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eragedbluerat (profile) wrote,
on 12-10-2003 at 9:04pm
Current mood: chipper, but something's holding me back
Music: My Chemical Reaction - Headfirst for Halos
Subject: Just think happy thoughts
I can't begin to let you know just what im feeling. And now these red ones help me fly, and the blue ones help me fall. AND I THINK I'LL BLOW MY BRAINS AGAINST THE CEALING!!!!

It's weird. the day after i write my journal about kelli. Her boyfriend breaks up with her. I want to step in. But i've already asked her out before. Last year. I'm not sure what to do right now. Last time i asked her out, things got really weird between us. But i want to so badly. I'm confused. everything is spinning in my head. My brain is totally fried right now. I'm not sure about much of anything anymore. School is crazy as always. I've started track. And now there's this nagging feeling that i want to be with someone. And when i think about it, i want it to be kelli. But on those certain occasions, it's not necessarilly her.
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12-16-03 6:18pm

#1 go for it! if you like her tell her that:Billy Joel - Tell Her About It
#2 hahaha you got that feeling't ignore it...perhaps i should practice what i preach

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