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dreamiecloud (profile) wrote,
on 12-14-2003 at 6:55pm
Current mood: sleepy
Music: october project - after the fall
Subject: the loss of your innocence
my weekend.

went to school
went out to eat with my uncle
went to my aunts house.

woke up
wrapped presents
made candels
went to chruch
went to charlene/shaunna's
slept for 2 hours 10-12

i got charlene and she came over to shaunna's and we called hey b/f dennie. he was supposed to come get us and take us to billy's. he didnt pick up his phone and his truck is broken. so we started walking to billys at like 2:30am. it takes 2 hours to walk there. at like 3 or 3:30 this spainish looking guy picked us up and gave us a ride. he was really nice, charlene was asking all kinds of questions to make sure we were safe and shit. dont worry everyone, were not just dumb kids. so we are at billys and charlene knocks on the wrong window. his mother's and she gets so angry, but lets us in anyway. charlene left after like 2 minutes to see dennie and shaunna and i stayed at billy's. i had fun. i hope i can go and see him next saturday to. but i dont know. any way. his mom had to take us back to shaunna's at like 6 in the morning. she was asking us all these questions and shes like if you cant get a ride, just ask and i will come and get you. it was crazy. when we were leaving billy was like ma let this one sit in front and he was signaling to me, so i had to sit up front with her. it was so embarassing. i went to bet at like 7 and then i got up at noon when charlene told me that they got saddam.

hahaha i have to go to confession this week. what fun.
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.., 12-14-03 8:19pm

wow. what a nice stranger.

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