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LOSERxDORK (profile) wrote,
on 1-5-2004 at 1:31am
Current mood: ditzy
Music: basketcase- greenday
well, yesterday (saturday) was one crazy mofriggin day. i woke up around 12 and i got ready for my hair appointment. i went to get my hair done around 1:30 and my hair looked mucho nice :) well, we got done kinda early and my mom took me and my sisters for dinner at subway..mmm. so after that we finish eating and then i got home get dressed and whatnot then amy comes over and gives me the shot glasses that she bought me on vacation (i collect them) and then we try and figure out what we were doing. well, i saw my ex on AIM and i decided to IM him and see if he wanted to hang out and he said yes and then right when we were about to finish the plans he signed off so i said 'fuck it lets go to bellmore and chill there.' ok, so we call a cab and go to the rockville center train station and buy the tickets to go to bellmore. while were there my ex calls me and was like 'wanna hang out' so i said sure, meet us in bellmore. we got on the train and amys blood sugar was low (my little diabetic) soo when we got off the train we went to the diner and she ordered a soda. while i went to the bathroom my ex called and said he was there so we walked to the train station to get him and shit then we hung out alittle and then he hadda go home. at 10 we thought anthony was going to come pick us up and he never showed up :-( so we took the train back to my house at 12:08 when we got back to my house my mom decided to go out so we invited anthony over and he came over and brought us mikes. amy got drunk but i didnt,and i talked to nick for sooo long on the phone. that was my CrAzZy night. soon, when i get my pictures online from last night i'll post a link for you to get them :) well, have a nice day and end of vacation....BLAHHHHH<3

[[ *..theres no one left thats real..* ]]
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mmmm, 01-05-04 6:50pm

I <3 Subway.

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Re: mmmm, 01-06-04 12:38am

you darling will be my best friend forever. i am in love with subway! i used to go there like 3 times a week and then it started to get a little expensive. i hadn't had subway in like a month then i had it, i like died and went to heaven mmm

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me..drunk..nahh, 01-06-04 9:06am

i was drunk? :)

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