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skittlicious (profile) wrote,
on 1-8-2004 at 3:20pm
Subject: This is my plee for help from anyone from 4992
AHHHHHHHH! I'm so confused. Ok to clarify any question for the dramatarians that still read this, yes, I did drop drama. I wasn't enjoying the class anymore, it used to be fun, but now i didn't like it. I was scared and bored, not a good combo. So i dropped it, and I didn't talk to Mrs. Hasko yet, cause my guidance counselor took care of it, and she GAVE MY SPOT AWAY FOR DISTRICTS. I'm seriously going to cry about that, I paid my money to go as an observer, thats all I wanted and now I can't go. SOMEONE who reads this, PLEASE HELP ME WITH MY HASKO PROBLEM, please!!!!!!!!!

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01-08-04 3:37pm

Hasko is a bitch. Fuck her. She'll see you in hell along with me! Seriosuly though, make sure you get your money back from her, or make sure you bitch. thats not right. and she doesnt even know for sure that you dropped because she hasnt even talked to you. shes acting upon rumors...thats bullshit

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01-08-04 6:48pm

i think it would be best for you to talk to her directly. That's the only way that anything will happen. Just don't be afraid. What's the worst that can happen? Just talk to her so maybe you can still go. The only thing i would say about talking to her is be non-confrontational when you go in to talk to her. I hope this helps.

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mandy dowd, 01-09-04 8:51am

hello there ms mandy dowd. i have read your journal and now im anonymously replying to one of your entries. although i dont read much and get bored for reading i took the time to read some of your entries they are very interesting and at times depressing. as for your "hasko" problem, if you wanted to stay on the trip to your districts you should have waited until after the trip to drop the class.
sincerely your brand new woohu stalker :)

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Re: mandy dowd, 01-09-04 3:34pm

oh ryan, you shouldn't have told me you were my stalker, even though i already knew ;p


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01-09-04 6:57pm

how do you make the link fade like that? it's pretty cool..just post a comment on my journal..thanks!!

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01-09-04 6:57pm

how do you make the link fade like that? it's pretty cool..just post a comment on my journal..thanks!!

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