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Jaganshi (profile) wrote,
on 1-15-2004 at 10:25pm
Fill this out and post it in the community
Give me three random colors
1. purple
2. red
3. the Artist Formerly Known as Prince who is now known again as Prince. wait... thats a symbol not a color... crap.
Your name is: pending
You love: my friend-boy
You want: what can never be
You wish: for a happy ending
You have: teenage angst
You need: a pair of flannel boxers
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01-15-04 10:34pm

Friend-boy. Ha.

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Re:, 01-15-04 10:39pm

He got a big tattoo today as his birthday present to himself. The sign for infinity. Baka. (#-.-)

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01-15-04 10:40pm

Friend-boy is a silly term.

I thought Prince was a color.

He should be.

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