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Iron-Cipher (profile) wrote,
on 1-16-2004 at 1:05pm
Music: Sky Harbo
Subject: Silence

The akward silence bugs you, but what is there to talk about? I don't know anything that is going on with you because you haven't told. I let it all go because you wanted to know even though I didn't want to and here I sit in the dark with no idea where you are at, yet you know what's going on with me. You don't call, I ditch each time I want to hang out, you look at me like an alien and I have no idea what is up, it would be so much more simple if I could just change the way i felt, it doesn't seem to affect anyone but me, and then everyone would just be happy. God must really have a sense of humor cause I'm missing it somewere along the line...
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01-17-04 12:33am

Hi, it's the middle of the night/morning and I just called you a girl. It's all good.


I think you just need to talk to her. Venting is good but when it's plaguing you so much...

You need to talk to her.

Plaguing is such an ugly word.

Cheese is good for you.

We love you. If you ever need to talk, we're here.

Right. I have something else I want to say but I can't remember it. Something about the ages...

Yeah. Love ya lots. We're praying for you. Good luck.

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