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Jessika (profile) wrote,
on 2-2-2004 at 3:19pm
Current mood: sore
Music: Crossroads.
Subject: is in green and yellow letters! Trippy!!!
I had a dream. It goes as such: I went to an AFI concert and found Ed(NO clue why...) I asked him to hold my money because I had no pockets. It was around $40. We were sitting there watching the concert, yet I wasn't really watching it. I have no clue what I was doing, but I could not see the stage or anything. Rather weird. We were up front, but left to go explore the building place. It was a big usually deserted place in the middle of an empty field. It had like 3 floors and the concert was in the basement. There were then 2 balconies, all with crappy views, and a big sign that said "Screwers Zone". Orgys were everywhere. Ewww. We got grossed out anf left. So we went to the big field and I found Gwen and Shell and lost Ed. Shell had to run because her parents were gonig to kill her because they drove up like 1 mile away and expected her to be right there, but she wasn't. (Stupid Mishelle!!! Not being a mindreader and such) So she ran after the car and miracualously caught up to it. I was sitting there with Gwen and I think Shayla. Gwen had a motorcycle and took us on a ride. We ended up nearly hitting a bunch of fences and flipping over them instead. I was very scared of Gwen's frightening driving. I found myself very very thirsty. I had Gwen take me to Ed and asked for my money. He showed me a receipt for alot of stuff, like drinks and munchies, meaning he spent all my money. Brittney Kelley was there with him. I got very pissed and was about to pass out because of dryness of mouth. I was going to kill them. But Gwen handed me a coke or something, so we just left and went into the concert. We went down into the "Middle Class" section. We were like 5 rows from the front and Gwen had painted my face with white makeup and black stars over my eyes and another on my forehead. Davey picked 3 people from the crowd with faces like that. Not me. They each got to pick a song. And they all were calling him Kayla. I believed in the dream that ha was Kayla and it wasn't until I woke up that I realized that was wrong. You could hardly see the other band members. Next he picked people with huge elephant masks on. Shortly after I woke up.

No read if you don't want to hear yuckiness.

I am staying home today. Last night I wished my stomach would take itself away from me because it hurt so much. I even cried for like 20 minutes due to the pain. At around 9 I began to puke. Now it gets gross. Yuck was coming out of both ends and I puked in the garbage in the bathroom. Then I found out the garbage was WEAVED so my puke fell onto the floor. I called in the little bot and had him bring me something...he brought the kitchen garbage. So I puked an0other 20 mintues or so then had to clean up the mess on the floor and almost puked again. I then went to bed and slept for 13 hours. Harley is sick so home to. Marty is here, but ot sick. She does not even know why she is here.
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02-02-04 5:33pm

Not fun.Ur mom should take u to immediate care if its stil like that.

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Re:, 02-02-04 6:54pm

Why? It is probably just the flu or something like that. We don't ever go to the doctor in this house = s

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Re: Re:, 02-02-04 7:29pm

because it sounds like appendicidic

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Poor Jess..., 02-02-04 10:53pm

You really should go to a doctor if you dont feel better soon. It may seem like the flu, but it could be something much, much worse. I hope you feel better.

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Re: Poor Jess..., 02-03-04 8:11am

Thanks, but I am feeling much better. I will be going to school today. (It is 6:07 Tuesday morn)

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