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LoupGarou (profile) wrote,
on 2-3-2004 at 7:05pm
Current mood: lousy
Music: Darkness - Disturbed
Subject: Try spelling "racecar" backwards
Sorry I haven't been able to update in a few days. I suppose I'll begin with my weekend at San Francisco.

We all met at my grandma's house, and when we were ready to leave, Adam (my cousin), Larry (my uncle), and Mema (what I call my grandma) all piled into the car along with my mom, dad, sister, and me. The drive wasn't all that exciting, and to my dismay it was sunny outside. Adam played his gameboy and talked with Denise most of the time and I either stared out the window or looked through my mangas.

We took a detour and ended up driving through the gay part of San Francisco, which was really fun, because you'd pass these houses and some of them had flags with rainbows on them; even the streets were lined with those flags. You'd look on the sidewalk and see a bunch of guys walking together. ^_^ Fun fun. Mema said she saw one of those "flambuoyantly gay" people jogging and he was flailing his hands out while he jogged (you have any idea what I'm talking about?). You know; one of those girly gay guys. ^_^

Finally we got to the hotel (the Hyatt I think). From the outside it really didn't look that impressive, but once you got inside it was really cool. You could see all the floors from the inside, and part of the building was slanted like a pyramid. In the middle of the lobby place was a big circular art structure thing on top of a cool fountain. The water would flow off the sides of a brass bowl-like thing so the water came down in a continuous sheet of liquid silk. OooooOOOOOOoooOOoo I say!

We checked in and my grandma got a suite, which was nice enough I guess, though the only thing really suite-like about it was the nice bathroom. The view wasn't even that good, and it was only on the fourth floor. She had a balcony though.

Our room was on the very top floor if you don't count the restaraunt that takes up all of floor 18. I'm not all that great with hights, so I avoided the window as much as I could. Later I would get used to it, even stick my head out there a few times, but when I first got in the room, there was no way I was going over there.

Everyone else got situated, and once we had eaten snacks that pretty much made up our lunch, we walked around a bit outside. There was this giant thing that I first thought was a play sructure out the back door, but it turned out it was "art". Even still we jumped around on it... well, no ON it really, but below it where some raised platforms of cement served as stepping stones.

Then we walked a little bit toward the bay, where there was a small place that was too small to really be considered a park but too large to be considered a lawn thing. A lot of homeless people were there; at least two were sleeping on the grass, and one seemed to be worshipping a..... tree. We moved on towards some shops; John wanted to find a Wallgreens to get some baby Tylenol for Anna, because she had an ear ache. Adam and Denise kept running ahead and jumping around, and it was both making me mad and getting me very nervous. You think Adam would know to stop when a street came after what happened to his brother. I told Mom, and she had been thinking the same thing, so she told them to calm down. Adam was still goofing off when he almost stumbled into a street, so Larry made him come back and hold his hand. We found the Walgreens and I started trying glasses on just for the heck of it. I've always wondered how I'd look in glasses.

After we were done looking around, we decided to head back to the hotel to get ready for dinner. It was getting darker outside, and the sky became that dark cobalt blue that I've always liked. At one point when we were walking on top of a shopping area (yes, there was a walkway. Don't worry, we weren't climbing on the roof or anything. It was only two to three stories above the road anyway) there was a really nice view of the Bay Bridge if you went up some dual stairways. We took some pictures there, but because my dad and uncle took it from below, you couldn't see the Bay bridge.

We went back inside and got ready for dinner. I really didn't want to change my clothes, but mom made me, and i thought I looked bad in all that fancy stuff. Well, to be truthful, it wasn't all that fancy. Just casual-fancy. ..... But I still didn't like it!

We didn't eat at the restaraunt at the top of the hotel because it was a frickin $50 per person and they wouldn't even let us get up there to look around. Instead we went to the one downstairs in the lobby. It was nice, but the food took forever to come.

While we were finishing dinner and waiting for dessert my uncle had the idea of making boats to have a race down the little river in the lobby. My dad made his out of a safeway card and straws, I made mine out of my sister's kid menu, and most of the rest were made out of straws. Well, except for Larry's, which was made out of straws and cheese. My dad melted a crayon to use the wax as glue, and my uncle melted the wax to make sure the cheese stuck to the straw properly O_o.

When we finally raced I came in third and my dad came in first. Anna, who's ear ache was now better, came in second, and she was so proud of herself. She's so cute. ^_^

We went back to Mema's suite and waited for a little while to decide what to do. I was really bummed because I wanted to watch Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz. I had gotten it on Friday and hadn't been able to watch it yet. I was frusterated because I had waited two weeks to see it and everyone wanted to play a board game. I wouldn't have been so grumpy if Adam and Denise hadn't begged to watch it earlier just like I had. Then they went and changed their minds on me and wanted to play the board game. I was tired too, which added to my grumpiness.
Oh well. Maybe I'm just selfish. -_-

The next morning Sue, John, Anna, and David left early. We drove around Frisco in the rain, whish was nice. Except for going up all those steep hills. God, I hate doing that in the rain. It maked me feel like we're going to slip because of the wet streets and fall backwards.

We were able to watch about fifteen minutes of Gundam Wing on the way back on Larry's lap top, but it lost betteries soon.

Yup. That was basically my trip to good ol' Frisco. Parts of it made me really miss New York. *dramatic sigh*.

Okay, now I'm listening to the New York song with Frank Sinatra and Tony Bennet. Fun! I think I'm going to start on another wntry now about what has happened the past school days. Yush, I am behind. T_T

Oh well. What can you do?

Bye bye!

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02-04-04 12:49am

Racecar....racecar.... I've known that since 5th grade, but I'm still amazed. Your Grandma sounds coolio and nice! ^_^

lol the gay part... I wanna see! ^_^ <===it keeps coming back Oooo indeed about the hotel! 18 floors...? Egh ::spins around dizzily:: Anything's a play structure if you want it to be! I like San Francisco in the rain... Those dirty, evil, restuarant-on-18th-floor bastards! Don't let you look around for $50. =P Ooo little boats! You're not selfish for wanting to watch Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz! You just want some time for your own joys ^_^ wink jk

lol driving in the rain. My Mom had to drive across the D. Bridge last year and it was raining really hard and she was so freaked out because it was raining too much and the wind swipers weren't going fast enough - and they go pretty fast. I was just there trying to stop myself from laughing and trying to comfort her. lol... i'm bad.

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Re:, 02-04-04 9:31pm

Ah yes, the racecar trick. It's simply AMAZING! I love my grandma. She IS cool. One time when I really didn't want to go to school on Monday for no partivular reason, she kept telling my mom I had a fever and that I should stay with her. lol.

The gay part was really fun to drive through, yes yes ^_^ and those evil people on the 18th floor *fumes*. Cocky all-high-and-mighty assholes. Won't even let you see what the restaraunt is like before you go spending $50 per person on it. Feh.

And that's right! There's nothing wrong with wanting to watch Endless Waltz! *gets choked up* Thanks fer takin' my side, bud.... it *sniffle*... It really means something to me *burts out, sobbing*.
Alrighty then, emotioinal moment over ^_^.

Driving in the rain is fun. It is very purdy! Though it can be dangerous *nods*

*Smokey Bear voice* Only YOU can prevent accidents in the rain.

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Re: Re:, 02-04-04 9:35pm





-_- It's all your fault.

lol jk my homie G! My gangsta dawg. Fo rizzle is the shizzle of the rizzle in da crib, foo! G-Unit!

k.... I'm done.

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