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surferskater420 (profile) wrote,
on 2-26-2004 at 11:07pm
i abulutely loth dispise hate hate hate hate hate hate living in a world were nadia isn't at my makes me sick.when you hear songs about brocken hearts you think it is an expression,but it is a medical heart is acually brocken.if you took an x-ray of my chest there is 2 pieces.1 of 4 things can happen.i can express my pain through music and use music to ease my paine,i can kill myself and/or slice my wrists,or i can do lots of pot,or i can be a depressed goth kid and give up on girls completely and dress like a goth kid and be social outcast.i hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate living without nadia at my side.
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03-01-04 8:29pm

boy have you expressed alot of emotion in this journal

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04-15-04 12:38am

kaya donot be ubsests with this girl, trust me it leads to bad things

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