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lizster540 (profile) wrote,
on 3-18-2004 at 2:00pm
Current mood: ashamed
Music: J.L.H.- Barenaked
Subject: Im a BAD person....tisk tisk for me.
Wow, i stayed home [[again]]. This is the last time. I felt like shiznads this morning, so i didnt get up. Mom said i was gonna go at 11:00 but i said no, and busted out crying. Im such a wimp. But i do feel crappy. Im still going to the Banquet at church. I dont care what she says, i have to go. anyways, i watched Grind like 3 times and ate some English Muffins, haha. And then...umm..i just gathered up all the clothes on my floor and threw um in the washing machine cause im to lazy to fold them. I also read alot of this book called "A Face In Every Window". And for those of you that know me well, you know im not a big reader...but its actually pretty good. me and my mom where talking last night and i asked if i could get a new board, she was like "i dont want you breaking your ankle again, or your neck" and i was like "Mom! i have to take chances and i love skating! if i break something then oh well, at least i have some battle wounds!" and she was like, okay you can get a new one, since my dumn dad threw mine out! i was mad, but that board was thrashed so its all good. The catch is i have to pay for alot of it, i have to buy the wheels and trucks. But i think she'll probably get the deck for me. Its pretty cool though, now i can go skate with this guy in my neighborhood, Steven. i met him last year when i went to The Bottoms, and he was so cool to talk to. Well he ended up moving to the Lovely Teal Lake! so i just gotta try and get him to skate with me. yay! so excited about Extreme Weekend! i cant believe its a freaking day away, i mean thats crazy. Amelia and i are going to be molesting the band, Amelia gets the drummer i get the guitarist, haha. and Sunday Katie is getting baptised! im so happy for her. well i guess i outta go clean or whatever...yeah so leave me a comment, but dont make it harsh or ill have to bussa cap, mm hmm!
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03-20-04 10:26am

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hey hey..., 03-25-04 5:11pm

Great you go and get that'll be awesome..then you can be like who's the poser would be great...Are you talkin about Steven McNal....b.c he is so fine{{sizzle}}....oooo...heheh..g2g...<3Berta

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