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playachika (profile) wrote,
on 5-21-2004 at 10:01am
Current mood: chipper
Music: perfect day
Michael left almost an hour ago. It was fun. we took the canoe out on the lake and he almost tipped it! it was interesin. theres snakes and an alligator in there!!! aHHH! haha i had fun tho, i was just abou thalf asleep when we were upstairs. so he played 007! lol.
im so bored. people wanted me to go to a cypress party but well, i couldnt... it sucks.. then other peple wanted me to go with them and get drunk n stuff.. that didnt happen! oh well, my michael came over and we enjoyed EVERY moment of it.
looking back on today, it was a good day. I mean sure everyone hates me, but they did before. lol it just made it worse. like. L.T, he was going to "forgive" me but thent he thing with J.G. happened and BANG! out like a light bulb! lol not gunna happen! S.B Im'd me asking hows me and J.G. How dumb. i did almost talk ot her today
she wasnt present at school today, i kinda felt bad, kinda didnt but i mean i know shes going through alot of rogh stuff and i wish people owulda been nicer to me through it all so i figure i might as well be nice now. Then agian...
Well im sleepy. and im bored... so i might wanna go sleep!
Love always
Thanks to all my friends who are defending me through all of this drama! i love you guys!
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05-22-04 1:03am

hey laure babie, whats ya doing this weeknd, call me sometime so we can chat
The Eagle

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