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rockon14 (profile) wrote,
on 5-25-2004 at 12:12am
Current mood: depressed
Music: The Real Thing
Okay...maybe not

The whole teacher thing is off. Ends up Nikie could get in trouble for sexual abuse or something to that nature...and he's "seeing" someone. Oh well...I still have to go to her class tomorrow and drop off gifts for the guy.

This got me to comes another rant.

You know after years and years of never having a boyfriend and years and years of people saying "wait until you're in high school/ college" or "next year." Always the next guy to come along must mean something. He must be a least a little interested in me...but he never is. So I have come to the conclusion that I'm just going to be single for the rest of my life. I'm sick of trying and then just getting hurt more and more.

There must be something out there

I know there's something out there

Something more than this

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