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playmate101 (profile) wrote,
on 5-29-2004 at 10:07pm
Current mood: sad
Music: bills bills bills // destiny's child
updating woohu for summer. <3
more details... later. xoxo


today was harsh. went to bed at 4am after being on the phone with jonah & spending the last night with my kitty. woke up at 9:30am & said my final goodbye. cried myself to sleep & then woke up around 3pm. ate some cereal. went back to be til' 6pm. went to the seafood store & publix. came home, baked cookies, muffins, and a cake. ate dinner... talked with jonah... took a shower, redid woohu... now i wanna get some sleep. its been a long day. i miss my kitty.... crawling on my back & head to fall asleep. clawing me everytime i walked passed her... knowing that i would never pass her up without petting her. bringing home dead birds & snakes & lizards. eating my pizza or sticking her nose in my cereal. making my bed & making her part of the bed by putting the sheets over her. dancing & hugging her. meowing back at her like i knew how to speak her language... she always seemed to meow back at me...? when she used to nudge my hand while i was writing & she would draw pictures. when she would run away from my sister and come to me. her waking me up on christmas eve cause she knew she smelt her treats under the tree. sharing the same birthday. she was 17. i've spent my whole life with her. its so unusual not seeing her around my house. =`(

r.i.p. 5.29.04 -- mookie. i love u with all my heart. xoxo ur the world's greatest kitty.

mommy is sleeping... i have no shoulder to cry on anymore & i don't want to bother anybody about my whining. s0o.... off to bed i go, but enjoy my new woohu. xoxo
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05-30-04 1:17am

<3 i love it. mookie was a great kitty, probably the only cat that i will ever like. she will be missed. i'm here.

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05-30-04 11:21am

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sorry about the above, 05-30-04 11:22am

sorry about ur kitty :( i've had to say goodbye to two doggies already.

on a brighter note..i like ur summer format.

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05-30-04 4:45pm

gracias chicas bonitas <3

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