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crazygirl (profile) wrote,
on 5-30-2004 at 5:11am
i've made a new promise to myself.

i will never, ever regret standing up for something i full-heartedly believe in, and i will never let anyone make me feel sorry for it.

it may be the absolute end, and he may never speak to me again. but i wasn't the only one that was worried about him tonight, but i was the first one to try to stop him from getting in the car. if he's going to believe that i stopped him for selfish reasons, then damn him. damn him if he can't see that i was purely 100% worried about his safety, and damn him if he's going to hold it against me that i tried all i could to keep him from drinking and driving. damn him for trying to make me feel guilty about it.

i've had enough. i'm tired.
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should have let, 06-02-04 10:27am

him drive drunk...he's an asshole who would be more usefull to the if he would have taken another out...thats another story...

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