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playachika (profile) wrote,
on 6-17-2004 at 1:47am
Current mood: confused
Music: behind blue eyes
today i was supposed to over to michaels house but my mom never got home until late... i mean shes still not fucking home! shes been gone since like 10 o clock too! n its almost 2! tonight im going to go ot softball practice at the school. AJ didnt call me until yesturday to tell me but it started on tuesdya! what a fucker! honestly! hes so fucking gay!i hate him asa coach! he could have at least had the curtosy to clal me so i coulda gone on tuesday, but i found out from lindsday! im not saying i can do much at practice but i mean it woulda been nice to have been there to see what were gunna be doing....
amanda bruno is once again mad at me. because of the whole jessica situation. poeple seriously need to just grow the fuck up! dude, its hard to type when my nails are long! i just noticed that because i type witht eh tip of my nails and its starting to feel realyl weird! lol i was oging to print off my whole entired journal but i think thats a lil too hard!
for some reaosn i feel lkike crying. i dont even kno why! libby come sin 6 days! maybe shell make me feel better. and i get my permitt so ill be able to practice my driving without my dad complaining and saying that i dont even have my permitt yet.
i need to complete some of the AP Euro stuff soon. i mean im definatly procrastinating about it, let me tell yah! i still gotta read the books, but i kno i cant use spark notes becaue the packet asks specific questions and my like mrs. copeland will ask specific ?s ona test or something after summer is over..
well i think im going to go jump in the pool because i dont kno, i just feel like shit and ill race mindy across. i need to get sum excercise before tonight! ahh itll be oh so much fun!
Love always
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06-17-04 9:29pm

I hope i can make you feel better. I always feel like ur not alone
<3 Lib

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