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playachika (profile) wrote,
on 6-19-2004 at 12:31pm
Current mood: hungover
Music: freak a leak
HOly shit! okay, i HAVE to tell about my.. uhh.. interesting night last night!
alritght, it all started at prolly uhhh 3 yesturday wen i finally got to nicole's! btw she is turning into like one of my best friends.. if she isnt already!
so yeah we didnt have like anything to do so we went to the mall for a couple hours and i saw chad odem! he looks sooo sooo different! but anyways
then we got ready to go somewhere even tho we still didnt have anywhere to go.
then, we were talking to these one guys who hada buncha peopel over but they sounded stoned and we called this one guy Chris! and his friends!! so they came, we saw, we met, then we left.
we ended up toging to a party on the beach with a whole hell of a lotta college guys! wooo that was fun! but the thing was, i got completely wasted, fell dowstairs and stuff and yeah it didnt end up being good at all. i had to be carried like everywhere. i feel so bad about nicole and stuff... i mean i dont want to ruin her friendships with anyone and she sat up with me all night long and... AHHH! its so scary! Then he rborther Chris came home and he finally got me to sleep somewhere i guess around 300 ... so yeah.. my head hurtsd like a bitch... i juss wanna tell nicole im sooo sooo sooo sosryr but i mean theres not enough words ti descrubbe how sorry i am to her... i hope she reads this! im sorry michael!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for worrying you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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its me nicole, 06-19-04 6:12pm

dont worry about last night it was no big deal i had no problem stayin up all night takin care of you but im not goin to take all the credit it was my bro (bootie) that did all the work.. and the thing about losing friends if i lose friends who gives a shit?! i mean seriously we have all had are bad nights once in a while and they should understand that and if they dont then i dont want to be there friends.. lol ok well it would have been fun if courtni was there.. i havent seen her in a while now i miss her.. oh and micheal im sry i worried you last night but i didnt no what to do i am taking full responsibility for what happened dont be mad at lauren.. well i have to go to sleep now cuz im tired i wonder why?.. lol j/k... oh yeah and lauren you are one of my best friends i will always be here for you if you need me you no that and that goes for my other friends to (courtni, lyssa)... alright well when you ALL better ;) you can go to another one of my friends kick ass parties.. poh my gosh can you believe that my grandmas neighbor was there thats crazy...all right call me lata babe bye

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