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squishylover (profile) wrote,
on 6-30-2004 at 2:21am
Current mood: A tid bit sleepy
Music: Norah Jones :Turn me on (I will learn this song)
Subject: Hehe

What type of person are you?

You are a leader

You set the trends. Everyone follows what you do. You can order people around and stuff. People admire you. You are popular, and sometimes a bit bossy, or can appear snobby, but really you are just a true leader.

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06-30-04 6:42pm


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Re:, 06-30-04 8:01pm

Hehe I only put it in here because of the paperclips..they were spiffy.


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Re: Re:, 06-30-04 8:39pm

lol cool.

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