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kit_Katt (profile) wrote,
on 1-20-2003 at 9:53pm
Current mood: Quizzical
Music: Saving Grace-Point of Grace
Subject: God's FAQ's
Grace- Use or abuse?
Rom. 4:2/3-"For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about, but not before God. For what does the Scripture say? 'Abraham believed in God, and it was accounted to him for righteousness.'"
~This passage means that it was through God's grace, and Abraham's faith that he was saved, not through any acts that Abraham did while he was on the earth. That is where Grace comes in.
Even though we can't get to heaven through good deeds alone, it is always important for us to stay away from sin. Grace was a gift given to us through Christ from God. It pardons all of our sins, so why bother to not sin if we are forgiven anyway?
~Abuse~ Purposely taking advantage of God's Grace is actually taking a step backward. The sin that we fufill puts a barrer inbetween us and God. We end up stepping out from underneth his loving Grace. We end up abusing the free gift that He had to sacrifice so much to give to us in the first place.
~God's levels~ God comes in three levels: Grace, Mercy, and Judgement. Grace is free and easy to obtain, all we have to do is ask for it, and repent. (Which means to say that we're sorry-which means that we will try not to do it again). That is where the fault in our understanding of Grace comes in. We believe that God is Graceful, but yet, we do nothing to change ourselves in our own sinful ways, therefore, pushing God into His second stage-Mercy. When we step out from underneith God's Grace, He gives us mercy. That is the time that He spends attempting to get us back under His Grace. After all, "Grace" comes from the root word meaning "joy" and why would such a loving God not want us to feel joy in our lives? But whether we acknowledge His mercy or not, depends on what stage we step back into. If we do not acknowledge Him, he goes into His final stage-Judgement. God is a god of Judgement, not the booming voice with thunder from the heavens type of judgement, but He does judge against wrongdoings. While it may not seem like it, but sometimes sickness, failures, anything that will draw us back to Him, and get us away from the possesive, materialistic, world will be dropped upon us. But what we also must keep in mind is that God did NOT bring these things upon us, we did. By allowing Satan to rule our lives, no matter how little it may seem, we bring our own judgements.
~There is good news (as there always is with God) we can turn back, even if we have faced judgement. God is always willing to help us and lead us if we just humble our hearts and ask.
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01-27-03 2:40pm

Tahnk you so much just when I start getting my faith back I see what Ilost before.

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