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swimchica255 (profile) wrote,
on 7-10-2004 at 12:09pm
Current mood: busy
Music: vanessa carlton- ordinary day
Subject: on the nature of things.....
hahaha last night was a good one. it started off with the olympic trials.....good lord it was so cool....i get so pumped about something that i could never have a chance at swimming in lol. after that shannon and eric picked me up to go to the taylor fireworks. so we left sort of late and knew there would be major traffic, plus we didn't know where we were going. so i call tony and ask him what we should do. he tells me to go to the kennedy parking lot and say we know him so we can get in for free, then meet him there. so we get in, and see tony waiting to take us to the park in a golf cart!!! how freakin cool is that? lol so me, eric, and shannon are sitting on the back, and tony is literally flying in between cars stuck in traffic and ploughing through people walking on the sidewalk. mind you, it was completely packed. the whole time he's yelling "scuse me, pardon me, can i get through here folks, thanks guys, coming through!" we were cracking up to no end while we tried not to fall off the back of the golf cart. then he weaved in and out of the people sitting on blankets to get us a spot in the front. it was flippin hilarious.

then there were the fireworks. absolutely awesome. they are a million times better than ours....if you're from trenton, just don't go to those anymore. taylor's are soooo good. so then after the fireworks tony picks us back up in the golf cart. i still can't even get over how funny it was. after that we went to denny's and came home
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haha, 07-19-04 7:56pm

hah sam that was a blast thanx for going with me we should hang out again sometime soon i love you man and make sure to come visit me during swim season

remember "you booze you loose!"as tdawg would say lol

love you,shannon

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