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Beagle147 (profile) wrote,
on 7-10-2004 at 10:21pm
Current mood: bored
Subject: I stole this from Kim's livejournal. Yeah, I'm bored.
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it¦
2. Am I loveable?¦
3. How long have you known me?¦
4. When and how did we first meet?:
5. What was your first impression?¦
6. Do you still think that way about me now?¦
7. What do you think my weakness is?¦
8. Do you think I will have a daughter?¦
9. What makes me happy?¦
10. What makes me sad?¦
11. What reminds you of me?¦
12. If you could give me anything what would it be?¦
13. How well do you know me?¦
14. When's the last time you saw me?¦
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?¦
16. If so could you tell me now?¦
17. Do you think I could kill someone?¦
18. Describe me in one word.¦
19. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?¦
20. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?¦
21. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?¦
22. If I was an color, which would I be and why?¦
23. What song (if any) reminds you of me?¦
24. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?¦
25. Do you consider me a good friend?¦
26. What makes me, me?¦
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BWAHAHAHA, 07-13-04 5:34pm

Copy and Paste! :D

2004-07-10 21:19 (link)
1. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it¦
Oh deary I'm so bad at this.... umm.... ummm...... o.o
2. Am I loveable?¦
Well.... ^.^ Yes of course!
3. How long have you known me?¦
Oh wow.. hmm.. *counts* Same school since... this'll be the 10th year. Same class-ish..? Bout 7.
4. When and how did we first meet?:
Guess that would be the first day of school for some grade or another.
5. What was your first impression?¦
Hmm.. sarcastic but funny. Very funny. Enjoyed company of friends but liked your own time too. Somewhat 'above' a select others.
6. Do you still think that way about me now?¦
Still sarcastic and very funny, yepyep. But we're good friends now..
7. What do you think my weakness is?¦
Getting closer to people on more levels than just face.
8. Do you think I will have a daughter?¦
You'll have kids I think; a daughter maybe, sure.
9. What makes me happy?¦
Animals! Specifically dogs.. anything to do with them. And Dave Matthews. And.. happy.. things.. yeah. :)
10. What makes me sad?¦
Sad.. things... Atlantic. Ungood grades. Stress. Drama. Umm..
11. What reminds you of me?¦
Dogs. ^___^ Certain sarcastic remarks that just scream 'something Lauren would say.'
12. If you could give me anything what would it be?¦
Hmm.. a dog park closer to where you lived. And a car with unlimited gas. And a house of your own. And your own vet hospital. And and and..
13. How well do you know me?¦
Not too sure. I know things.. then again I don't..
14. When's the last time you saw me?¦
That would be the second to last day of our summer extended essay class.
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?¦
Probably, knowing me.
16. If so could you tell me now?¦
Knowing me, not likely.
17. Do you think I could kill someone?¦
You? Nah. You'd just create an elaborate mass-murder plot with a nice list of names and everything all mapped out and... uh oh.
18. Describe me in one word.¦
Sarcastic. o.o Or maybe Funny is better? Humorous?
19. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?¦
I'm so bad at friendships.. I would like to think it's getting stronger.. I try at least. It's certainly better than it was at the beginning.
20. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?¦
You would listen, surely.
21. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?¦
I already have something like this. MUAHAHAHAHA
22. If I was an color, which would I be and why?¦
Dark blue. Maybe purple-ish.
23. What song (if any) reminds you of me?¦
Hmm.. That would be a Dave song.. if I knew any actual ones.. but the ones from your journal (lyrics) seem awesome and work well.
24. If you could change one thing about me, what would it be?¦
Perhaps your intimidating-ness.
25. Do you consider me a good friend?¦
Yes, very much so.
26. What makes me, me?¦
Oye. Umm...Your personality?

Is still not good.. sorry bout that.


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