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Viper15 (profile) wrote,
on 7-26-2004 at 8:42pm
i got a new sword and it has spanish on it, i duno if anyone could translate it but it says

"at peligro no tearrojes procura ser moderado porque una ves ensartado no te aflijas nite aflojes"
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07-26-04 9:41pm

At pelican's, no touching procures, in moderation, for a second, no afflicting flowers.

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07-26-04 9:56pm

Words I don't know are in quotes:

"at" danger you don't "tearroje" try to be moderate because one "ensartado" time you are not troubled or relaxed.

I think what it's trying to say is that if you don't ride the fence all the time you won't get bored.

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