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JessiesLifeADayAtATime (profile) wrote,
on 7-27-2004 at 3:26am
Current mood: yucky
Subject: wow.
okay so yesterday, which ended 3 hours and 13 minutes ago, sucked total ass. i'm not going to get into it. well NEways, i was catchin the Vo to the mall and like it hit some old lady's car in the ass. yea. and i called my mom and she came and got us and took us the rest of the way there. and like as i was walking to my mom's car. the old lady was like touching her car and was like 'it was a beautiful car' and i was like ' yea that needs a car wash!' lol. it was so funny. and i'm like 'its just cosmetic and it needs a carwash' it was a black toyota solara convertable and needed a carwash, it had water spots. lol. now i'm going to stop talking. i started taking my meds again today. so i think i mite be getting better again. i was starting to go down hill and shit. yea. well NEways. i'm out. later.
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