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HollishDanishM (profile) wrote,
on 8-2-2004 at 4:30pm
Music: Ashlee Simpson- Shadow
Subject: I fear
A dream is like a drug, and this ain't no drug. This is so present, and I'm so grounded.
I see myself completely alone, walking down the halls. Maybe I did care all these years, without knowing it. Maybe I did care what others thought of me, and maybe I did- and still do- need the friends that really aren't there. I'm just not as independent as I thought, is all.
I had a mental breakdown too, the other day. Saturday, I think it was. I'm not a whiner, but if one person looks me in the eye when I'm breaking, I'm sold- the tears flush down my face, at the fastest pace.
I want to go back so bad. My whole body is aching, burning, pushing toward home. This isn't my home. It's hard living in a place, that wasn't meant for you. It's like forcing my body into a size 24, it just doesn't fit.

There's a fine line between alone and independent...
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08-03-04 10:19am

Mmm. I don't think any of us are independent as we think we are. And, I think deep down we all care, even if it just a little bit, about what people think of us. If we didn't, we wouldn't try so hard to seem independent, when we know we need some help... But, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I don't think it matters if you care what they think, I think it matters wether you change yourself so they think differently of you.

I think you might have too much stress. I'm not sure what you're so stressed over, but I really think you should try and relax, just a tad. I want to you to lie down on your bed, on your back. Relax every muscel in your body. Then, repeat over and over again, "My neck is relaxed, my neck is relaxed..." until your neck is relxaed. Then, do the same thing with your arms (Say them individually), and your legs, hands, and your back. When you are just like a big pool of putty, think of a giant trash can. Then, search throguh your mind and, mentally throw away everything that's been bothering you. When you've emptied out all the bad things, think of happy thoughts. I don't know what your happy thoughts are, but just think of them. Over and over again. Then, SLOWLY get up.

Most the time it makes your stress level go down, but sometimes if you're TOO over-stressed, it won't work to well.

Take care of yourself. And just relax! Things always work themselves out, you just have to wait. Let life take it's course. And, if it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to, don't get upset. It just means you have better things planned for you in the future.


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Re:, 08-03-04 3:57pm

I'm sorry. I didn't mean to think you were overstressed...that's just what you seemed to be acting like.
I'm terribly sorry for the misunderstanding.

When does your school start?

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