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swimchica255 (profile) wrote,
on 8-22-2004 at 12:23am
Current mood: exhausted
Music: counting crows- accidentally in love
Subject: childhood is drawing to a close....
hahaha last night was freakin hilarious. i mean, getting three hours of sleep over a 36 hour period isn't, but those were some good times, kate.

it's so weird how whenever i hang out with someone lately, i think to myself that it could be the last time i hang out with them before i go to college or maybe the last time i ever see them at all. i used to think going away to school couldn't come fast enough, but now i'm thinkin i don't have enough time to get everything i need to do done. i guess it will all just fall into place, but i really wanna be with all of my friends a little longer before we have to split up. everyone says that they'll keep in touch, but almost no one actually does. there are so many people i want to keep in my life, who i couldn't imagine losing, but i know it will probably happen. that's the worst thing so far about college. for the most part i'm totally psyched, and i'm trying to think about how sweet it's gonna be to meet so many different people and swim with an incredible group of athletes and learn more about what i'm passionate towards, but the relationships with the people i already know are stronger than that. i guess it's just a part of getting older. after all, the end of one road just leads to the beginning of another.
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SAM!!, 08-26-04 8:54pm

sam dude its really sad for me the to think that i wont see u again i love you and im sure ull have a great time in college just dont forget that ill be missing u deeply



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