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goobs827 (profile) wrote,
on 9-11-2004 at 4:36pm
Current mood: complacent
Music: Buena Vista Social Club
First I'd just like to acknowledge and honor all those who died three years ago today and the brave policemen and firemen who risked their lives. It's a day that I recall so vividly and I will always remember and pray for every single person who was affected by it. It's an awesome thing to have lived through.

It really irks me when people like to pretend tragedies never happens. People just can't seem to handle sadness, it's some sort of disease that we pop a pill for and pretend doesn't exist. When someone loses someone close to them or is going through something very tough, people say: "Don't tell them your sorry or that you're concerned, I'm sure it's the last thing they want to think about." Who the FUCK are you kidding? It's the ONLY thing that they're thinking about. What a frickin lame excuse just to avoid an awkward situation. That's why I was so annoyed after 9/11 when people didn't talk about it...ever. NEWSFLASH: You can't just turn off the world and pretend like there's nothing going on in it. People like that bother me too. Okay, so you don't want to be scared and it depresses you, well um maybe if you payed attention it'd make the things that are depressing you about your life seem MUCH smaller and make you feel even better about how fortunate you are. There are things much bigger than your issues and pretending that they don't exist and that we're trapped in some bubble is ignant and immature. You should be thanking God every single day of your life if your loved ones are safe and that you haven't gone through a tragedy like 9/11 or any other tragedy for that matter. What if you lost someone you love...would you truly not want people to say they're sorry, would you truly want people to ignore 9/11 if you lost a loved one to a similar situation? I'm sorry if anyone is offended by this but it's how I feel and I truly think you're offending our country and the people who work so hard to make your life safe and give you opportunity if you DON'T care about them or the outside world.
I really am not writing this with anyone specific in mind so don't take it personally, but for the sake of our world; pay a little bit more attention, be a little bit more concerned, say you're sorry, pray, whatever, just care about something outside of your own life or your friends own lives. I know I can't change people, all I'm saying is just to care.

On a lighter note, first real night of 10th grade was actually really fun. I love this grade so much. Supporting the sophomore football troops was very cool. After that, some good talks. I love having real talks about everything once in a while and I really think people need to stop complaining that we have a stupid grade. We're cool. And you should appreciate Edgemont too. We're very fortunate to live here. So what we're a little neurotic and gossipy, what suburban town isn't? The grass is always greener on the other side. You're probably a lot happier and could make things much better than you really think.

School is fine I guess. I really miss my schedule from last year...Irreplaceable classes and teachers for sure. But I think I'll be okay. It's just hard to get used to it all.

I'm really looking forward to the year to get going. I hope things change a little bit. I'm just excited to see what happens. I get the feeling it'll be my best year yet. But, that's just one of my silly little inklings.

I hope everyone's enjoying their first weekend...homework yipeee...and can I get a what what? 3 days of school next week....niceeee...The Jews come through in the clutch..jus playin you know I love you all.

I know many people will feel annoyed by this post and think I sound holier than thou and never give me that satisfaction of agreeing with me but I know everyone reading this is an amazing person, and I'm sure many of you care and are concerned about the things I'm talking about already and deep down agree with at least a little bit of what I'm trying to say. But if there's anyone who didn't care and wasn't concerned before reading this or didn't care that much, if I even got them inspired just to turn on the news for 5 seconds tonight, I feel like I've parted the seas.

Much love and peace.
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09-11-04 5:10pm

ahhh i agree completely about the 9/11 thing...we can't just ignore reality. and our grade is so kiCk aSs lol, last night's chat was sickk. '07ers ruLe

ilu hun!!!

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Re:, 09-11-04 11:55pm

yes and our '07 catholic partayyy is gonna be youuu

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09-12-04 5:53pm

Good entry, really strong and real I love to read things like that
btw thnx for ur help staurday ;) love ya

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Re:, 09-12-04 5:56pm prob, I hope everything worked out well...lyl

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