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1010101 (profile) wrote,
on 9-14-2004 at 7:45pm
Current mood: erm, blah...
Well, I haven't updated in far too long, so I figured I would update.

My classes so far are rather boring. Comtemporary lit. is pretty much a joke, with our moronic "feminist utopia novel" (watch me whilst I gag at the stereotypical underdeveloped characters and unrealistic plot intended to teach men of female superiority). Euro history is good, at least I'm in there with a fun bunch of people, and we do have plenty of fun movies to go along with our lectures. Spanish 4 is better than spanish 3 and I'll leave it at that. AP government and physics both leave me feeling tired just thinking about them, and statistics, though it may well be my easiest math class yet, is just kind of dull.

Work has been alright. I get along with the other courtesy team members well enough, and though a few of them really bug the living crud out of me, I rather enjoy being around a few of them. June, my cashier friend who, at least at some time, had a crush on me, remains my best friend there by no small margin. Oddly enough a few of my coworkers seem to be talking about the two of us when I'm not around, and judging on some of the things I've heard, there are probably a few rumors going around about us, thankfully it all seems to be good natured (or at least I scare my coworkers just enough that they wouldn't dare insult me).

work itself has been...
...well, lethargic and tedious. Though when you get stuck wiping skid marks off the tile and the... *shudders* ...toilets, you can really only enjoy your work so much.

Still outside of work and school, life has been great, as usual...

My novels, when I have time to write them, and when I don't have writer's block, are coming along very nicely. I still haven't even hit the quarter point on any of them, and I still really don't know how I'm going to end any of them either, but for now they're just fine.

Well that's really all I have to say for now, I hope the evening finds you all well...

...farewell y va con dios mis amigos buenos.
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09-14-04 8:24pm

Eh my classes are boring too. Hope school goes good for you.

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09-14-04 10:31pm

I'm jealous of your novel writing fortytwod

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