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Beagle147 (profile) wrote,
on 9-23-2004 at 1:41pm
Current mood: accomplished
Ok, yesterday was one of the worst days in my life, and I really don't want to go into it. Please do not ask.

My mom is slowly getting better. The whole surgery thing has put a big stress on me in terms of doing everything for her, but her shoulder is healing. She's regained use of her fingers on that arm. Yay.

And, on a much lighter note, I won the French club election!! XD Je suis la presidente!! I'm really excited. And I'm on the inter-club council for eagles for excellence now. So I am BUSY. All the time.

I went up for my appointment with ms kelly today, and she wasnt there. The secretary lady (I can never remember her name) apologized and said ms kelly had to go to an emergency meeting or something. "There was an incident" I dunno, whatever. The point is, my meeting was moved to monday. Whatever. Atleast now I have all my forms together. I also finally got one of my rec things out to mrs youngman. I had the other thingy ready, but mr dalsass isn't here this week...he's in vegas. And Ms Kelly told me that I can be a walkon for the october SAT II's. That makes me feel a lot better. So things are finally falling a little bit into order.

I finally planned a real college visit. I'm going to northwestern on November 4th and staying with my uncle and new-step-aunt-thing. It's his third wife, you tell me what I should call her. It'll be loads of fun. The only problem is that November 5th is scheduled to be our last football game, so everyone pray that we make the playoffs. Because I will be sad if I miss the last game ever.

So that's about all she wrote. She...being me...oh, it's just an expression, get off my back.
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09-23-04 6:14pm

Yay on getting french club president!! Senior year should be busy... that's why it's so fun:-).


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09-23-04 11:52pm

congrats on the victory, make mrs. youngman proud

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Re:, 09-25-04 2:31pm

Haha, keeping with the tradition of french club presidents, me and mrs youngman will spend the next year pissed at each other. Atleast I gave her my college rec stuff already.

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09-26-04 1:01pm

Yay!!! Major congrats on President!!

You really are gonna be busy!


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