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Iwasthinkingthat (profile) wrote,
on 10-10-2004 at 11:21am
Music: Die Trying- Words that Kill
Subject: Foggy Windows
Yeah, my windows are foggy.

So I havent written in a long time, once again. If I felt like it was an issue Id do something but it doesnt matter.

Things are looking a little up and a little down. Work isnt that bad. Im going ciggerette shopping with Lauren on Monday and Wednesday and that will be good seeing how I havent talked to her in a really long time. Im going to Florida on thursday morning for the weekend. That has potential to blow the big one. I mean...I love florida but I never have good experiences when Im stuck in a hotel room with my mom and dad. Or a plane...the plane could be worse than the hotel. Maybe I'll be able to stay with my cousin.

So yeah.

Today Im going to go find a dress for the wedding. I like getting dressed up for occasions so that will be ok unless my mom and I start up.

Well Im going.

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10-10-04 7:11pm

Oh man honey, i really hope you two don't get started! i wish you the best of luck. I love you.


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